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Q1 is over and it’s time for Q2 of 2024. We have accomplished a lot of key things in the background these past few months. LMS migration, online store migration, Tribe Discord server enhancements, and much more. We finally got to check the box on some of these big biz dev projects that were bogging us down so much. However, where one door closes, another one opens. We never stop trying to improve and we always have a handful of irons in the fire.

As most of you know (or maybe not), my wife also has a business of her own, and we have 2 kiddos. The winter season is when her business gets extremely busy so that’s when I have to take on a lot of extra kid duty. It’s no problem, I enjoy that Dad life. However, as you can imagine, it makes it a real challenge for me to accomplish impactful work during that time. So in the winter months, I tend to scale way back in terms of output. This is why content and everything kinda slows down. With all that said, Q2 is underway and it’s springtime which means she’s transitioning into her slower months and I do the opposite… It’s time to grind baby! I am excited to ramp things back up and see you guys more. And at a certain point, hopefully not too much further into the future, the wife will come home for good to join me full-time in this business and I won’t have to worry about all these seasonal work sacrifices. We gotta do what we gotta do though! This is life as an entrepreneurial family.

In other news, here are some notable things from Q1 and what you can expect to see from us in Q2.

  • Tribe Discord Server – Our server has seen major enhancements and growth so far. We’re now up to almost 200 people (a mixture of free members and official tribe operatives) inside the server. We’ve added nearly 30 great channels of discussion on the free side of the server, and we’ve also added a couple of new channels to the private side. Additionally, we have started conducting regular weekly musters in our voice channels and started 2 clubs for members to engage in (book club, and bible study club in our #spiritual-warfare channel). — Moving forward our focus for Q2 is to begin hosting more community events such as virtual meet & greets, special challenges with prizes, and maybe some interviews and Q&As with special guests or partners of ours. We’ll leave no stone unturned when it comes to creating new and better ways for you all to engage inside of our tribe. We encourage you to poke around the server and find more things to bite into. We’ve put it down, we just need you to pick it up! The easiest thing you can do to start being more involved is to do a simple daily check-in for accountability in the #free-for-all or #tribe-txt channels. — Remember, our Discord is FREE for everyone to join. Official members are distinguished by their clearance level role tags. Come join the fun!
  • Tribe Member Accounts Here On The Website – We’ve overhauled the account dashboard again to make it even easier to navigate and find the intel and resources you’re looking for. Go check it out!
  • Warrior Mission Program – Due to the dynamic mentioned above ^ the growth of this program hasn’t been as fast as we wanted it to be, but it’s no less of a priority. We do have more missions in development to be added to the mission hub over the coming months. These missions can be complex and very time-consuming to create but that’s because there’s a lot of substance to this program. We’re going to be working closer with our alliance partners moving forward to source a lot more gear for our mission rewards packages. We want to make the value of these rewards packages pretty wild to heavily incentivize more participation. Over time, we are aiming to make these prize packages huge and worth thousands of dollars for the winners. Imagine a 1st place prize package full of gear valued at over $3,000 to $5,000. That’s the goal and at this time it’s just not feasible for us to sponsor these packages on our own to that degree, so this is why we will be looking to our allies to offer them unique exposure opportunities in exchange for sponsoring our Warrior Mission Program. It will take some time, but once this program matures I think you guys will thoroughly enjoy it.
  • Operation Optimize 2.0 – The course has been rebuilt inside of our new LMS and is live for existing students. If you are an old student and still need access please get with me and let me know. We will be refreshing the existing curriculum and adding a lot of new stuff to the course for the 2.0 update. This also includes the 2.0 Warrior OS template that you’ve all been asking about. The Warrior OS will stay inside Operation Optimize but will also be extracted and sold separately as a standalone product moving forward. These are going to be pretty significant course updates so bear with me. Keep your eyes on our Ops Radar for updates on this project!
  • Guest Creator Program – With the rise of AI we weren’t quite sure where we wanted to take this program and over Q2 we will be figuring this all out. As of right now, the general idea is that we may slightly restructure the compensation agreement and put out some general guidelines and rules on the use of AI tools in our guest contributor content. For those of you currently on the program, keep an eye out for updates. We are still accepting new applications in the meantime for anyone interested in joining the creator team. This program is sort of a back-burner project so it may be late in the quarter or further in the year before we get around to it. We do plan to keep it though so don’t worry!
  • WASP Program Changes – We have changed up our WASP unit channel permissions in the Discord server. Previously anyone with program clearance could see any unit. Now you should only see your designated unit channel under the WASP Units folder. If anyone has any trouble seeing their unit channel please let us know. These permissions get tricky.
  • Tribe Recruitment – Lastly, our biggest focus for Q2 is to get our advertising campaigns back online and traffic sources flowing again. We will be shooting new recruitment videos for our sales funnel, designing new ad creatives for social media campaigns, more PR, and just doing everything we can to drive as much traffic as possible to grow our tribe to new heights. Traffic is the name of the game and there’s a ton of ways to generate it. Organic growth gets harder to achieve every single day and this is one of the reasons we are focused on getting our ad platforms rolling again. The goal was originally to have these all back online and running by the beginning of this quarter but things didn’t pan out that way. However, it’s a high priority now and we will accomplish this goal in Q2 sooner rather than later. So, expect to start seeing more growth! This will be good news for all tribe members both free and official. The more we grow, the more we can offer you.

That’s pretty much it for this Situation Report my friends and fellow Warriors. If anyone needs help with anything or has questions about any of these things mentioned, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. I’ll see you inside the tribe Discord!

Bellum Gerere – Primal


Our objective here is to provide higher caliber resources and information that enhance your preparedness in all aspects. If you’re enjoying the content you get from MASK and want to help support our mission please consider becoming a member of our elite community that we call the Warrior Tribe.

Comprised of those most serious about preparedness, our Tribe will help you take your survivability to the next level through active training, accountability, and advanced resources. Our organization is rapidly growing and we would love to see you become a bigger part of it.


As always thanks for checking out our blog! If you found value in this article we would greatly appreciate a share. Also, be sure to join our free Discord Server, and follow us on our social platforms like YouTube and Instagram below. We’re always looking to connect with more prepared minds and you will get access to more great content.


Author Primal

Owner of MASK Tactical & The Warrior Tribe.

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